Application & Operation :
Fatigue Testing Machine is used to test the fatigues, which is one of the major reasons for failure of the materials used in all engineering designs. It is important to know fatigue properties of most of the materials before using them for actual application. UMI makes Fatigue Testing Machine of UFT series is most suitable for measuring fatigue strength and to draw S-N diagram. These are used by Research Institute, Auto Industries and material manufacturers. This is rotating beam type machine where load is applied in reverse bending manner, Standard 8mm dia. Specimen is held in special holders at its ends and loaded such that it experiences a uniform bending moment. Specimen is rotated at 4200 RPM by a Motor. A Complete cycle of reversed stress in all fibers of the specimen is produced during each revolution. The bending moment is applied through a lever system and can easily be changed by moving a weight over a lever.
Features :
- Light weight, compact size, simple design
- Table Model, No need of foundation.
- Simple lever system for changing load
- Accurately calibrated as per IS 5075 and other International Standards.