From Metallurgists for Metallographers Quantimet Series
Most Advanced and user-friendly
1:1 magnification and complete field of view on screen Traceable to NPL
Camera options - CCD / C Mos (Sony, JVC, Hitachi, Wattek)
Can be interfaced to any microscope
- Grain size estimation (ASTM - E 112 / E - 1382)
- Phase Analysis (Area Fraction)
- % Nodularity, Nodule count, Distribution (ASTM E-247)
- Graphite Flake analysis - Size class, % distribution by ABCD (ASTM E-247)
- Inclusion Analysis (ASTM E 45 and E 1122)
- Edge rounding correction
- Particle size distribution and counting
- Measurements - Decarburisation, Plating, Coating, Degree of Banding, Inter laminar dist., S-Das value
- Microvickers' Estimation and effective case depth plotting
Multilayer coating measurement with ball and creator instrument